Eye Wellness and Vision Exams
Make sure your eyes are healthy. We will let you know if you need a glasses prescription or if it’s time for an update. Contact lenses are also medical devices and require additional time and evaluation. Let us know if you wear contacts or interested in trying! Want to explore the idea of LASIK? Bring all your questions and tap into our great network of surgeons.
Retinal Exams
With Optomap technology, we can check the internal health of your eyes without the side effects of dilation. Our retinal screening photos will let the doctor screen for signs of eye conditions and diseases that may or may not be affecting your vision. Young people are not immune to anomalies such as retinal tears/holes, cancers, or vascular hemorrhages, to name a few. Due to the important information that can be obtained, all new patients will have a baseline image for their records.
Dry Eye Exams
Symptoms of dry eye disease or tear deficiency can range from gritty/scratchy eyes to watery eyes. You may also experience fluctuating vision, chronic redness, itchy, burning, or stinging eyes. Our office has the ability to dive deeper into these symptoms and assess the quality of your tear system including imaging the glands. You may need prescription eyedrops or be a candidate for the most innovative treatment with radio frequency (RF) and/or intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy to eliminate the warm compresses and eyedrops altogether! Schedule a dry eye exam today.
Myopia Management
Due to virtual learning and children spending more hours indoors than outdoors, the rate of near-sightedness is increasing exponentially. Various treatment options are available to slow down this progression. It is important to keep prescriptions as minimal as possible to reduce the risks for certain conditions that may affect eye health and vision.
Prescription eyewear can be ready in as soon as 3 to 14 business days. We focus on carrying high quality, independent frame collections, but “designer” frames can be special ordered upon request.
Emergency Eye Care
Did you get something in your eye? Scratch it? Sleep in your contacts? Just red for no apparent reason? Come see us if your eyes do not look or feel right. We provide eye care after hours if needed when your red eye won’t let you sleep! Text us at 281.744.1808 for the quickest response.